An expert in the crypto world

Legal Support for Blockchain Projects

Module 1: Fundamental Concepts and Terminology in Blockchain Projects

  1. Definition of key terms in cryptocurrency operations
    • Blockchain technology and its applications
    • Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, mining
    • Smart contracts and the role of tokens in them
    • Asset tokenization - realities and possibilities
    • Application of blockchain in Ukraine: SETAM, State Geocadastre, etc.
  2. Principles of transparency and confidentiality in cryptocurrency operations
    • Legal status of cryptocurrency in different jurisdictions
  3. Overview of the instability and ambiguity of the legal status of cryptocurrency in different jurisdictions

Module 2: Legal Regulation of Cryptocurrency Operations

  1. Blockchain - What's under the hood?
    • Concepts of transaction models (UTXO and Account-based) and their comparison
    • Concepts of private and public blockchains. Application areas
    • Concept of a blockchain explorer. Utilization possibilities
    • Tracking blockchain transactions. Services and examples
    • Blockchain wallets. Types and usage rules
    • Rules of "blockchain hygiene"
  2. Licensing and Registration Requirements
    • Crypto-licensing – myth or reality?
    • Mining, trading, STO/ICO, and crypto-processing - one license for all cases?
    • Antitrust, Data Protection, No action letters, and more - where to go or run at all?
    • Red-flag due diligence for crypto-business - the primary method of determining the applicable license.
  3. Legal regulation of trading

Module 3: Taxation in the Virtual Assets Sphere

  1. Taxation of cryptocurrency operations
    • Whether to pay taxes on cryptocurrency
    • Recent legislative initiatives on taxing cryptocurrency operations and other virtual assets
  2. Tax audits of cryptocurrency miners
    • Types of tax audits
    • Documentary audit
    • Factual
    • Desk

Module 4: National and International Structuring of Cryptocurrency Agreements

  1. Business Models in the Crypto-Sphere
    • What is a business model
    • Tool for visualizing a business model - business model canvas
    • Analysis using the business model canvas of the main key niches in the crypto industry
  2. Banks and DeFi in Structuring Cryptocurrency Agreements
    • Interaction with banks when using cryptocurrency
    • Relationship of banks to crypto-projects
    • Specifics of opening accounts
    • How to set up a setup for a crypto-project
    • DeFi as an alternative to traditional banking systems
  3. DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization
    • Concept of DAO and its features
    • How rights and obligations of DAO participants are defined and regulated
    • Legal regulation of DAO in the international space
    • Responsibility among DAO participants for decisions made and their consequences
    • How to avoid legal liability for participants, in the context of financial decisions
    • Interaction of DAO with regulators and compliance with rules and laws

Module 5: Legal Support for NFT

  1. NFT - What is it and how does it work
    • Relationship of ownership of such a token and copyright
    • Role of a lawyer in an NFT project

Module 6: ICO and IDO - Legal Specifics and Practical Nuances

  1. Do We Need Tokens?
    • Existing types of tokens
    • Successful ICO/IDO?
    • When do ICO and IDO tokens have value, and when do they not?
    • Why not use BTC or ETH instead of tokens?
  2. Structuring ICO and IDO Projects
    • Preparation for ICO and IDO
    • Applicable regulations for ICO and IDO
    • Documentary work

Module 7: Regulation of Crypto Business in Other Countries

  1. Regulation of Crypto Business: Global Experience Using the Example of the EU, the UK, and Gibraltar
  2. Regulation of Blockchain Projects in the UAE
    • Implementation of blockchain technology at the level of government services
    • Regulatory framework for the circulation of virtual assets. Recognition of cryptocurrency as a means of payment.
    • Regulators
    • Licensing and taxation of services related to virtual assets.

Module 8: SMART-CONTRACT - Concept and Legal Nature

  1. Using Smart Contracts in Different Spheres
    • SMART-CONTRACT: Concept and Legal Nature
    • Features of entering into smart contracts
    • Specifics of using smart contracts in international business
    • Legal regulation of the implementation and use of blockchain technology and smart contracts in various spheres.
    • Legal validity: Are SMART contracts binding documents and what are the consequences of non-compliance with the conditions of a SMART contract
    • Ensuring confidentiality and legal limitations on data processing in the context of a SMART contract
    • Legal measures provided in case of errors in the code of a SMART contract
    • Responsibility for non-compliance with a SMART contract: who is responsible, how conflicts are resolved
    • Modification of SMART contract terms
    • Interaction of a SMART contract with traditional legal structures and contracts

Module 9: Intellectual Property

  1. Copyright for Code, Smart Contracts, and Other Developments Using Blockchain Technology
    • Patenting innovations
    • Trademarks and brand names: how to register and protect trademarks and avoid trademark violations and plagiarism
    • How open-source project code affects its intellectual property
    • Design and UX/UI protection: how to ensure the protection of design and user interface

Module 10: Legal Protection of Cryptocurrency Business

  1. Who and Why Will Come to Cryptos in 2024? 
    1. Possible regulatory structures, authorities interested in cryptocurrency business in 2024, and their goals are discussed. This may include tax authorities, financial monitoring, antimonopoly services, and others. Emphasis is placed on understanding the regulatory environment for the successful operation of cryptocurrency enterprises.
  2. Risks and Peculiarities of Interrogating Crypto Business People 
    1. Possible risks and peculiarities that may arise during the interrogation of cryptocurrency entrepreneurs as part of an investigation are analyzed. Strategies for interacting with law enforcement, rules of conduct, and important aspects of a legal defense strategy are discussed.
  3. How to Prepare for a Search?
    1. This section provides specific advice and instructions on preparing for a possible search. Includes recommendations for preserving documentation, working with legal consultants, and preparing staff.
  4. How Can the "Maski-Show Stop 2" Law Help?
    1. The legislative context is analyzed, and specific aspects of "Maski-Show Stop 2" that may affect cryptocurrency business are identified. Advice is given on compliance with the law's requirements and avoiding legal violations.
  5. How to Minimize Risks of Seizing Cryptocurrency and Equipment During a Search?
    1. Strategies and practical steps to minimize the risks of seizing cryptocurrency and equipment during a search are studied. Security issues, key preservation, and other preventive measures are discussed.
  6. Analysis of High-Profile Criminal Cases in Crypto Business.
    1. An analysis of popular and important criminal cases in the crypto business is conducted. Examples of violations, court decisions cited, and their impacts on the industry are studied.